Welcome to the RISE Network

In the era of climate change, universities are acting as first responders. When disaster strikes, many times universities are one of the first organizations in the field providing humanitarian aid, collecting perishable data through research, using the disaster as a learning site for students and scholars, and providing opportunities for the relocation of scientists and the student population. Universities could be playing a much stronger role if they organize differently and engage in long-term relationships with their surrounding communities, local agencies, the private sector and other universities. Universities are not only our most important producers of scientific and academic knowledge, they are also potential allies in disaster management. They have a wealth of human, organizational and physical resources available, and are important partners in the development of new and innovative ways for knowledge integration, knowledge sharing, and capacity building across all sectors of society.

about us

The RISE Network is an inter-university collaborative convergence network determined to improve and coordinate university interventions in pre and post disaster environments.  The RISE Network wants to better understand community resilience and the role of institutions of higher education in disasters.

recent news

University Response COVID-19: Housing Evacuation

Dear students, the RISE Network is an independent interuniversity collaborative platform that includes students, faculty, administrators, and other sectors of society to transform the way in which universities respond to disasters. Recently, we have been observing that many universities across the country have evacuated their on-campus housing facilities in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Sometimes, students have been given as little as 24 hours to vacate the premises. Although this can be feasible to in-state students, going back home in this short notice can be difficult and even risky for out-of-state and international students. Here in the RISE Network, we are deeply concerned for the well-being of domestic and international students that have been evicted from their on-campus housing. If you find yourself in this situation, please click on the following link and answer the following questions. It will take you less than five minutes. The information that you provide us will be aggregated and used to call attention to this issue. We will also use it to devise more just, and less damaging to the students, courses of action to deal with this pandemic. Participation in this survey is completely voluntary and does not guarantee immediate or direct aid to you. However it will provide preliminary data from which to start addressing this issue. Also, please remember that you may interrupt your participation if at any point you feel uncomfortable answering these questions. 

If you have any questions or complaints feel free to send an email to mpl.risepr@gmail.com and/or figc.risepr@gmail.com

October 2024

upcoming events

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featured video

Dr. Fernando Tormos on scientists' political activism

Talk by Dr. Fernando Tormos, political scientist affiliated to the Union of Concerned Scientists, on political activism among scientists. Delivered at Macalester College’s course Environmental Sociology taught by Dr. Marla Perez Lugo, Hubert Humphrey Visiting Professor of Environmental Studies.